Category Archives: Education


Principled Innovation

JDD Specialties has contributed editing and writing technical assistance to the ASU Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College’s principled innovation initiative since 2018. That work continues in 2020 with heavy support of a variety of storytelling projects that accelerate awareness and understanding of principled innovation.

Alumni spotlight

Thunderbird School of Global Management

Castelazo Content has tapped  JDD Specialties to write a series of articles about notable alumni of its client Thunderbird School of Global Management.


April 2020, Bianca Buliga, marketing manager

April 2020: Gbemi Abudu, managing partner, BMGA Enterprise LTD

August 2019: Solomon Frank, Outer Atoll Resources

July 2019: Wolfgang Koester, chief evangelist, Kyriba

June 2019: Kim Williams, Warner Bros. executive

Outstanding graduates

ASU Watts College

ASU Watts College of Public Service and Community Solutions assigned to me a project that made my heart sing. I wrote profiles of the six outstanding graduates for Spring semester 2019. Jennifer Harrison, Kelly Walsh, Josh Loescher, Aly Perkins, Katharine Leigh Brown and Joanna Williams are phenomenal students and exceptional human beings.



Answering the call

Briana, a best friend of my daughter, is a first responder. She is a freshly minted teacher beginning her first professional year of school. She’s running toward a crisis. It’s not a burning building; it’s Arizona’s public education system.

Teachers have left Arizona classrooms in droves, causing a critical shortage of educators. Rare is the school district that begins this academic year with a full complement of certified teachers. Many meet classroom needs with long-term substitute teachers.

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